Screen Acting Course Level 2
Screen Acting Course Level 2
“I Never act. I simply bring out the real animal that’s in me.” – William Dafoe.
Service Description
This is a 10 - week course with 10 x 2.5-hour sessions (25 Hours in total). Start date: 12th June 2025 End date: 14th August 2025 Time: 19:00 – 21:30 Hrs Where: Limitless Academy of Performing Arts, 9 Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8 7BP Cost: £595 (Payable upon Booking your Place) Building on the foundation laid in Screen Acting Level 1, this course consolidates the skills developed in previous masterclasses while introducing new techniques to elevate your craft. Screen Acting Level 2 delves deeper into the art of screen performance, equipping you with advanced tools and insights to refine your skills. You'll uncover the "tricks of the trade," gain a better understanding of your screen persona, and explore how you would be cast in the industry. This course emphasizes character development, focusing on crafting subtle character shifts through narrative, text, and preparation. Additionally, it sharpens your self-tape and screen casting skills, ensuring you're fully prepared to seize every opportunity that comes your way. The program culminates in a professionally filmed scene, ready to be added to your showreel. Screen Acting Course - Level 2 Content: • Strengthen your ability to craft authentic and believable performances. • Master the nuances of physical, emotional, and intellectual elements to develop characters quickly and effectively. • Engage in viewing, discussion, and in-depth analysis of performances. • Work on scripted scenes, focusing on listening, interaction, and emotional depth. • Hone your skills with TV and film casting scripts, including playback and constructive feedback. • Receive professional duologues and casting tapes for future use. • Explore film genres such as short films, TV dramas, soaps, and cinema, while identifying your casting possibilities.
Cancellation Policy
MASTERCLASS TERMS AND CONDITIONS To ensure each student receives suitable guidance, we limit the number of placements. All placements are booked on a first come, first served basis. Limitless reserves the right to discontinue or amend their masterclasses if the minimum number of participants is not reached or for any other reason outside of Limitless’ control. Applications will close when all places are filled. Please note: the Masterclass will only go ahead with enough students and if cancelled by Limitless Academy of Performing Arts any payments will be refunded in full. This is applicable up to the start date of the specific Masterclass. If Limitless changes a Masterclass significantly: - Limitless will take reasonable steps to make sure that changes are communicated to participants of the sessions, if they are affected by the change. - Participants will be entitled to withdraw from the sessions. In this case, Limitless may refund masterclass fees, if reasonable to do so. - If reasonable, Limitless will offer participants a place on a masterclass which Limitless deems a suitable alternative. Please note that Limitless takes no responsibility for any personal costs incurred by an individual if a masterclass is cancelled. If you withdraw earlier than 4 weeks before the masterclass start date, we will refund the class fee minus a £50 administration charge. There is no VAT charge on these masterclasses. Full Fees must be paid in full 6 weeks before the commencement of the masterclass or your place will be given to our waiting list.
Contact Details
9 Melbourn St, Royston SG8 7BP, UK
0330 124 6868